Saturday, March 29, 2014

Uncomfortable Possibility

The Education Rally is upon us and some teachers are still questioning why and what good will it do? I have a hard time understanding this mindset because I've always been an activist, starting in the ninth-grade when I fancied myself a crusading journalist on my junior high newspaper.(I had just seen "All the President's Men.") I've worked for a lot of causes and many of those were lost causes from the start but some lost causes are just worth fighting for. If things can be better, and there is a way to make them better, why wouldn't you do everything possible to make that happen? How can people just sit and say, "Well, it won't do any good anyway"? Are they lazy or afraid? Doing nothing ensures that nothing will change. Doing something, at least, brings the possibility of change. I know people who are absolutely miserable in their current circumstances but they resist any efforts to help them make changes. Is comfortable misery more bearable than uncomfortable possibility? Remember, the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world until it became a butterfly. And that's what I really think.